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Gujarat Mobile phone number Tracking - Owner info

Gujarat Mobile Caller / Owner Name, location & address

List of Operators in the Circle : AIRTEL , JIO, Vi (Vodafone-IDEA), BSNL
State Capital:Gandhinagar
Major Cities :Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar
Main Language :Gujarati
Other Language :Hindi, Sindhi, Marathi , Urdu and English
No. of Districts :25

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Tracking the cell phone number and owner details in not very easy in Gujarat . There are lakhs of people concentrated in each area of Gujarat, the capital of this cell phone number is Gandhinagar and other locations in Gujarat are Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar out of 25 no.of district. This cell phone number is fron the Gujarat and who speaks majorly Gujarati and Hindi, Sindhi, Marathi , Urdu and English .

Here are the list of mobile numbers ( First five digits ) in the state of Gujarat. Remining five digits ranges from 00000 to 99999

Mobile Number Series Starting with 9 are as given below:

90160, 90330, 90670, 90990, 91040, 91370, 91730, 91840, 92270, 92280, 92740, 92750, 92760, 92770, 93270, 93280, 93740, 93750, 93760, 93770, 94080, 94090, 94260, 94270, 94280, 94290, 95100, 95120, 95370, 95580, 95740, 95860, 96010, 96240, 96380, 96620, 96870, 97120, 97140, 97220, 97230, 97240, 97250, 97260, 97270, 97370, 98240, 98250, 98790, 98980, 99040, 99090, 99130, 99240, 99250, 99740, 99780, 99790, 99980, 90161, 90331, 90671, 90991, 91041, 91371, 91731, 91841, 92271, 92281, 92741, 92751, 92761, 92771, 93271, 93281, 93741, 93751, 93761, 93771, 94081, 94091, 94261, 94271, 94281, 94291, 95101, 95121, 95371, 95581, 95741, 95861, 96011, 96241, 96381, 96621, 96871, 97121, 97141, 97221, 97231, 97241, 97251, 97261, 97271, 97371, 98241, 98251, 98791, 98981, 99041, 99091, 99131, 99241, 99251, 99741, 99781, 99791, 99981, 90162, 90332, 90672, 90992, 91042, 91372, 91732, 91842, 92272, 92282, 92742, 92752, 92762, 92772, 93272, 93282, 93742, 93752, 93762, 93772, 94082, 94092, 94262, 94272, 94282, 94292, 95102, 95122, 95372, 95582, 95742, 95862, 96012, 96242, 96382, 96622, 96872, 97122, 97142, 97222, 97232, 97242, 97252, 97262, 97272, 97372, 98242, 98252, 98792, 98982, 99042, 99092, 99132, 99242, 99252, 99742, 99782, 99792, 99982, 90163, 90333, 90673, 90993, 91043, 91373, 91733, 91843, 92273, 92283, 92743, 92753, 92763, 92773, 93273, 93283, 93743, 93753, 93763, 93773, 94083, 94093, 94263, 94273, 94283, 94293, 95103, 95123, 95373, 95583, 95743, 95863, 96013, 96243, 96383, 96623, 96873, 97123, 97143, 97223, 97233, 97243, 97253, 97263, 97273, 97373, 98243, 98253, 98793, 98983, 99043, 99093, 99133, 99243, 99253, 99743, 99783, 99793, 99983, 90164, 90334, 90674, 90994, 91044, 91374, 91734, 91844, 92274, 92284, 92744, 92754, 92764, 92774, 93274, 93284, 93744, 93754, 93764, 93774, 94084, 94094, 94264, 94274, 94284, 94294, 95104, 95124, 95374, 95584, 95744, 95864, 96014, 96244, 96384, 96624, 96874, 97124, 97144, 97224, 97234, 97244, 97254, 97264, 97274, 97374, 98244, 98254, 98794, 98984, 99044, 99094, 99134, 99244, 99254, 99744, 99784, 99794, 99984, 90165, 90335, 90675, 90995, 91045, 91375, 91735, 91845, 92275, 92285, 92745, 92755, 92765, 92775, 93275, 93285, 93745, 93755, 93765, 93775, 94085, 94095, 94265, 94275, 94285, 94295, 95105, 95125, 95375, 95585, 95745, 95865, 96015, 96245, 96385, 96625, 96875, 97125, 97145, 97225, 97235, 97245, 97255, 97265, 97275, 97375, 98245, 98255, 98795, 98985, 99045, 99095, 99135, 99245, 99255, 99745, 99785, 99795, 99985, 90166, 90336, 90676, 90996, 91046, 91376, 91736, 91846, 92276, 92286, 92746, 92756, 92766, 92776, 93276, 93286, 93746, 93756, 93766, 93776, 94086, 94096, 94266, 94276, 94286, 94296, 95106, 95126, 95376, 95586, 95746, 95866, 96016, 96246, 96386, 96626, 96876, 97126, 97146, 97226, 97236, 97246, 97256, 97266, 97276, 97376, 98246, 98256, 98796, 98986, 99046, 99096, 99136, 99246, 99256, 99746, 99786, 99796, 99986, 90167, 90337, 90677, 90997, 91047, 91377, 91737, 91847, 92277, 92287, 92747, 92757, 92767, 92777, 93277, 93287, 93747, 93757, 93767, 93777, 94087, 94097, 94267, 94277, 94287, 94297, 95107, 95127, 95377, 95587, 95747, 95867, 96017, 96247, 96387, 96627, 96877, 97127, 97147, 97227, 97237, 97247, 97257, 97267, 97277, 97377, 98247, 98257, 98797, 98987, 99047, 99097, 99137, 99247, 99257, 99747, 99787, 99797, 99987, 90168, 90338, 90678, 90998, 91048, 91378, 91738, 91848, 92278, 92288, 92748, 92758, 92768, 92778, 93278, 93288, 93748, 93758, 93768, 93778, 94088, 94098, 94268, 94278, 94288, 94298, 95108, 95128, 95378, 95588, 95748, 95868, 96018, 96248, 96388, 96628, 96878, 97128, 97148, 97228, 97238, 97248, 97258, 97268, 97278, 97378, 98248, 98258, 98798, 98988, 99048, 99098, 99138, 99248, 99258, 99748, 99788, 99798, 99988, 90169, 90339, 90679, 90999, 91049, 91379, 91739, 91849, 92279, 92289, 92749, 92759, 92769, 92779, 93279, 93289, 93749, 93759, 93769, 93779, 94089, 94099, 94269, 94279, 94289, 94299, 95109, 95129, 95379, 95589, 95749, 95869, 96019, 96249, 96389, 96629, 96879, 97129, 97149, 97229, 97239, 97249, 97259, 97269, 97279, 97379, 98249, 98259, 98799, 98989, 99049, 99099, 99139, 99249, 99259, 99749, 99789, 99799, 99989

Next 5 digits of these number, varies from 00000 to 99999 with above prefix

Mobile Number Series Starting with 8 are as given below:

80000, 81280, 81400, 81410, 81530, 81540, 81550, 81560, 82380, 82640, 83060, 83470, 84010, 84600, 84690, 84870, 84880, 84900, 85110, 85300, 86710, 86720, 86730, 86740, 86900, 87330, 87340, 87350, 87580, 88660, 89050, 89800, 80001, 81281, 81401, 81411, 82381, 82641, 83061, 83471, 84011, 84601, 84691, 85111, 85301, 86901, 87581, 88661, 89051, 89801, 80002, 81282, 81402, 81412, 82382, 82642, 83062, 83472, 84012, 84602, 84692, 85112, 85302, 86902, 87582, 88662, 89052, 89802, 80003, 81283, 81403, 81413, 82383, 82643, 83063, 83473, 84013, 84603, 84693, 85113, 85303, 86903, 87583, 88663, 89053, 89803, 80004, 81284, 81404, 81414, 82384, 82644, 83064, 83474, 84014, 84604, 84694, 85114, 85304, 86904, 87584, 88664, 89054, 89804, 80005, 81285, 81405, 81415, 82385, 82645, 83065, 83475, 84015, 84605, 84695, 85115, 85305, 86905, 87585, 88665, 89055, 89805, 80006, 81286, 81406, 81416, 82386, 82646, 83066, 83476, 84016, 84606, 84696, 85116, 85306, 86906, 87586, 88666, 89056, 89806, 80007, 81287, 81407, 81417, 82387, 82647, 83067, 83477, 84017, 84607, 84697, 85117, 85307, 86907, 87587, 88667, 89057, 89807, 80008, 81288, 81408, 81418, 81538, 81548, 81558, 82388, 82648, 83068, 83478, 84018, 84608, 84698, 84878, 84888, 84908, 85118, 85308, 86718, 86728, 86738, 86908, 87338, 87348, 87358, 87588, 88668, 89058, 89808, 80009, 81289, 81409, 81419, 81539, 81549, 81559, 82389, 82649, 83069, 83479, 84019, 84609, 84699, 84859, 84879, 84889, 84909, 85119, 85309, 86719, 86729, 86739, 86909, 87329, 87339, 87349, 87359, 87589, 88669, 89059, 89809

Next 5 digits of these number, varies from 00000 to 99999 with above prefix

Mobile Number Series Starting with 7 are as given below:

73590, 73830, 74050, 75670, 76000, 76980, 78740, 78780, 73591, 73831, 74051, 75671, 76001, 76981, 78741, 78781, 73592, 73832, 74052, 75672, 76002, 76982, 78742, 78782, 73593, 73833, 74053, 75673, 76003, 76983, 78743, 78783, 73594, 73834, 74054, 75674, 76004, 76984, 78744, 78784, 73595, 73835, 74055, 75675, 76005, 76985, 78745, 78785, 73596, 73836, 74056, 75676, 76006, 76986, 78746, 78786, 73597, 73837, 74057, 75677, 76007, 76987, 78747, 78787, 73598, 73838, 74058, 75678, 76008, 76988, 78748, 78788, 73599, 73839, 74059, 75679, 76009, 76989, 78749, 78789, 77780, 77781, 77782, 77783, 77784, 77785, 77786, 77787, 77788, 77789, 78170, 78171, 78172, 78173, 78174, 78175, 78176, 78177, 78178, 78179, 70160, 70161, 70162, 70163, 70164, 70165, 70166, 70167, 70168, 70169

Next 5 digits of these number, varies from 00000 to 99999 with above prefix

Mobile Phone directory for ,

Andhra Pradesh,

Andhra Pradesh And Telengana,


Bihar And Jharkhand,





Himachal Pradesh,

Jammu And Kashmir,




Madhya Pradesh And Chhatisgarh,



North East,





Uttar Pradesh (E),

Uttar Pradesh (W) And Uttarakhand,

West Bengal,

Location of this Mobile Phone number / SIM Number / Map from Gujarat

Owner of this mobile numbers are covered in the areas like

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Abdasa, Mandvi, Bhuj, Anjar, Gandhidham, Rapar, Morbi, Vav, Tharad, Dhanera, Danta, Palanpur, Deesa, Deodar, Vadgam, Kankrej, Radhanpur, Chanasama, Patan, Sidhpur, Kheralu, Unjha, Visnagar, Becharaji, Kadi, Mehsana, Vijapur, Mansa, Himatnagar, Idar.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Khedbrahma, Bhiloda, Modasa, Bayad, Prantij, Gandhinagar North, Kalol, Sanand, Ghatlodia, Vejalpur, Naranpura, Sabarmati, Dehgam, Gandhinagar South, Vatva, Nikol, Naroda, Thakkarbapa Nagar, Bapunagar, Ellisbridge, Amraiwadi, Dariapur, Jamalpur Khadia, Maninagar, Danilimda, Asarwa, Viramgam, Dhandhuka, Dasada, Limbdi.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Wadhwan, Chotila, Dhrangadhra, Tankara, Wankaner, Rajkot East, Rajkot West, Rajkot South, Rajkot Rural, Jasdan, Gondal, Jetpur, Dhoraji, Porbandar, Kutiyana, Manavadar, Keshod, Kalavad, Jamnagar Rural, Jamnagar North, Jamnagar South, Jamjodhpur, Khambhalia, Dwarka, Junagadh, Visavadar, Mangrol, Somnath, Talala, Kodinar.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Una, Dhari, Amreli, Lathi, Savarkundla, Rajula, Mahuva, Gariadhar, Talaja, Palitana, Bhavnagar Rural, Bhavnagar East, Bhavnagar West, Gadhada, Botad, Khambhat, Borsad, Anklav, Umreth, Anand, Petlad, Sojitra, Daskroi, Dholka, Matar, Nadiad, Mehmedabad, Mahudha, Kapadvanj, Thasra.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Balasinor, Lunawada, Shehra, Morva Hadaf, Godhra, Kalol, Santrampur, Fatehpura, Jhalod, Limkheda, Dahod, Garbada, Devgadbaria, Savli, Vaghodia, Vadodara City, Sayajigunj, Akota, Raopura, Manjalpur, Halol, Chhota, Jetpur, Sankheda, Dabhoi, Padra, Nandod, Karjan, Dediapada, Jambusar.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Vagra, Jhagadia, Bharuch, Ankleshwar, Mangrol, Mandvi, Kamrej, Bardoli, Mahuva, Vyara, Nizar, Olpad, Surat East, Surat North, Varachha Road, Karanj, Katargam, Surat West, Limbayat, Udhna, Majura, Chorasi, Jalalpore, Navsari, Gandevi, Dangs, Bansda, Dharampur, Valsad, Pardi.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Kaprada, Umbergaon

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