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North East Mobile phone number Tracking - Owner info

North East Mobile Caller / Owner Name, location & address

List of Operators in the Circle : AIRTEL , JIO, Vi (Vodafone-IDEA), BSNL
State Capital:
Major Cities :Imphal, Aizawl
Main Language :Bengali, Manipuri
Other Language :Nepali, Hindi , Bengali and English
No. of Districts :

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Tracking the cell phone number and owner details in not very easy in North East . There are lakhs of people concentrated in each area of North East, the capital of this cell phone number is and other locations in North East are Imphal, Aizawl out of no.of district. This cell phone number is fron the North East and who speaks majorly Bengali, Manipuri and Nepali, Hindi , Bengali and English .

Here are the list of mobile numbers ( First five digits ) in the state of North East. Remining five digits ranges from 00000 to 99999

Mobile Number Series Starting with 9 are as given below:

90770, 90890, 91130, 91230, 91310, 91470, 91910, 92060, 94020, 94360, 94850, 96060, 96120, 96150, 97740, 98560, 98620, 98630, 90771, 90891, 91131, 91231, 91311, 91471, 91911, 92061, 94021, 94361, 94851, 96061, 96121, 96151, 97741, 98561, 98621, 98631, 90772, 90892, 91132, 91232, 91312, 91472, 91912, 92062, 94022, 94362, 94852, 96062, 96122, 96152, 97742, 98562, 98622, 98632, 90773, 90893, 91133, 91233, 91313, 91473, 91913, 92063, 94023, 94363, 94853, 96063, 96123, 96153, 97743, 98563, 98623, 98633, 90774, 90894, 91134, 91234, 91314, 91474, 91914, 92064, 94024, 94364, 94854, 96064, 96124, 96154, 97744, 98564, 98624, 98634, 90775, 90895, 91135, 91235, 91315, 91475, 91915, 92065, 94025, 94365, 94855, 96065, 96125, 96155, 97745, 98565, 98625, 98635, 90776, 90896, 91136, 91236, 91316, 91476, 91916, 92066, 94026, 94366, 94856, 96066, 96126, 96156, 97746, 98566, 98626, 98636, 90777, 90897, 91137, 91237, 91317, 91477, 91917, 92067, 94027, 94367, 94857, 96067, 96127, 96157, 97747, 98567, 98627, 98637, 90778, 90898, 91138, 91238, 91318, 91478, 91918, 92068, 94028, 94368, 94858, 96068, 96128, 96158, 97748, 98568, 98628, 98638, 90779, 90899, 91139, 91239, 91319, 91479, 91919, 92069, 94029, 94369, 94859, 96069, 96129, 96159, 97749, 98569, 98629, 98639

Next 5 digits of these number, varies from 00000 to 99999 with above prefix

Mobile Number Series Starting with 8 are as given below:

80140, 81190, 81310, 81320, 82570, 82580, 82590, 84130, 84140, 84150, 84160, 85750, 87300, 87310, 87320, 87940, 89740, 80141, 85751, 87941, 89741, 80142, 85752, 87942, 89742, 80143, 85753, 87943, 89743, 80144, 85754, 87944, 89744, 80145, 85755, 87945, 89745, 80146, 85756, 87946, 89746, 80147, 85757, 87947, 89747, 80148, 81198, 81318, 81328, 82578, 82588, 82598, 84138, 84148, 84158, 85758, 87298, 87308, 87318, 87328, 87948, 89748, 80149, 81189, 81199, 81319, 81329, 82569, 82579, 82589, 82599, 84139, 84149, 84159, 85759, 87299, 87309, 87319, 87949, 89749

Next 5 digits of these number, varies from 00000 to 99999 with above prefix

Mobile Number Series Starting with 7 are as given below:

73080, 73081, 73082, 73083, 73084, 73085, 73086, 73087, 73088, 73089, 70050, 70051, 70052, 70053, 70054, 70055, 70056, 70057, 70058, 70059

Next 5 digits of these number, varies from 00000 to 99999 with above prefix

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North East,





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Location of this Mobile Phone number / SIM Number / Map from North East

Owner of this mobile numbers are covered in the areas like

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Lumla, Tawang, Mukto, Dirang, Kalaktang, Thrizino Buragaon, Bomdila, Bameng, Chayangtajo, Seppa East, Seppa West, Pakke Kasang, Itanagar, Doimukh, Sagalee, Yachuli, Ziro Hapoli, Palin, Nyapin, Tali, Koloriang, Nacho, Taliha.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Daporijo, Raga, Damporijo, Liromoba, Likabali, Basar, Along West, Along East, Rumgong, Mechuka, Tuting Yingkiong, Pangin, Nari Koyu, Pasighat West, Pasighat East, Mebo, Mariyang Geku, Anini, Dambuk, Roing, Tezu, Hayuliang, Chowkham, Namsai, India, Lekang, Bordumsa Diyum, Miao, Nampong, Changlang South.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Changlang North, Namsang, Khonsa East, Khonsa West, Borduria Bagapani, Kanubari, Longding Pumao, Pongchou Wakka, Bishnupur, Moirang, Oinam, Kumbi, Nambol, Thanga, Chandel, Tengnoupal, Churachandpur, Saikot, Thanlon, Henglep, Singhat, Tipaimukh, Andro, Jiribam, Kshetrigao, Khurai, Thongju, Yaiskul, Heingang, Keirao.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Khundrakpam, Lamlai, Wangkhei, Keishamthong, Lamsang, Mayang Imphal, Sagolband, Singjamei, Uripok, Konthoujam, Langthabal, Patsoi, Sekmai, Thangmeiband, Wangoi, Naoriya pakhanglakpa, Kangpokpi, Mao, Saitu, Karong, Saikul, Tadubi, Nungba, Tamenglong, Tamei, Heirok, Kakching, Lilong, Thoubal, Wangjing Tentha.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Wangkhem, Hiyanglam, Khangabok, Sugnu, Wabgai, Chingai, Ukhrul, Phungyar, Nartiang, Jowai, Raliang, Mowkaiaw, Amlarem, Sutnga Saipung, Khliehriat, Mawhati, Nongpoh, Jirang, Umsning, Umroi, Mawryngkneng, Pynthorumkhrah, Mawlai, East Shillong, North Shillong, West Shillong, South Shillong, Mylliem, Nongthymmai, Nongkrem.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Sohiong, Mawphlang, Mawsynram, Pynursla, Mawkynrew, Shella, Sohra, Mairang, Mawthadraishan, Nongstoin, Rambrai Jyrngam, Mawshynrut, Ranikor, Mawkyrwat, Kharkutta, Songsak, Rongjeng, William Nagar, Mendipathar, Resubelpara, Bajengdoba, Raksamgre, Tikrikilla, Dadenggre, Phulbari, Rajabala, Selsella, North Tura, South Tura, Rangsakona.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Gambegre, Dalu, Ampati, Mahendraganj, Salmanpara, Rongara Siju, Chokpot, Baghmara, Hachhek, Dampa, Mamit, Tuirial, Kolasib, Serlui, Tuivawl, Chalfilh, Tawi, Aizawl North I, Aizawl North Ii, Aizawl North Iii, Aizawl East I, Aizawl East Ii, Aizawl West I, Aizawl West Ii, Aizawl West Iii, Aizawl South I, Aizawl South Ii, Aizawl South Iii, Lengteng, Tuichang.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Champhai North, Champhai South, East Tuipui, Serchhip, Tuikum, Hrangturzo, South Tuipui, Lunglei North, Lunglei East, Lunglei West, Lunglei South, Thorang, West Tuipui, Tuichawng, Lawngtlai West, Lawngtlai East, Saiha, Palak, Dimapur I, Dimapur Ii, Dimapur Iii, Ghaspani I, Ghaspani Ii, Pungro Kiphire, Siyuchong Sitimi, Kohima Town, Northern Angami I, Northern Angami Ii, Southern Angami I, Southern Angami Ii.

SIM Cards are Issued in the Cities of Tseminyu, Western Angami, Longleng, Tamlu, Alungtaki, Angetyongpang, Aonglenden, Arkakong, Impur, Jangpetkong, Koridang, Mokokchung Town, Monguya, Tuli, Aboi, Moka, Mon Town, Phomching, Tapi, Tehok, Tizit, Tobu,

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